Psychology Classes
Psychology Classes
PSYC 1110: Introduction to Psychology
3 credit hours, 3 class hours
This course will introduce students to the concepts,theories, significant findings, methodologies, and terminology that apply to the field of psychology.
PSYC 1180: Science and Pseudoscience
3 credit hours, 3 class hours
This course examines methods for determining whether given claims are science or pseudoscience. Several controversial topics will be explored, with emphasis on coming to objective decisions about such claims. Top-ics include logical fallacies, the Scientific Method, cre-ationism, global warming and climate change, hidden codes in the Bible, Relativity theory, 9/11 Truth con-spiracy claims, Dark Matter, UFO sightings, Perpetual Motion Devices, Quantum Mechanics, Quack medical claims and more.
PSYC 1190: Human Factors in Science & Engineering
3 credit hours, 3 class hours
This course explores how human capabilities and limitations influence decision making and performance and how scientists and engineers can use knowledge of these factors to design. We will focus on how cognitive processes and biases in perception, attention, memory and problem solving influence performance. Examples of “human error” and ways in which error can be avert-ed will be studied. Comparisons will be made between human and artificial intelligence.
PSYC 2110: Social Psychology
3 credit hours, 3 class hours; Prerequisite: PSYC 1110
This course is an introduction to the scientific study of human social influence and interaction, and explores how an individual’s actions, emotions, attitudes and thought processes are influenced by society and other individuals.
PSYC 2331: Psychobiology of Sex
3 credit hours, 3 class hours
Sexual reproduction in a broad evolutionary context. Topics include sexual and asexual reproduction, sexual selection, the endocrinology of mammalian reproduction, development of the reproductive system and sexually differentiated behaviors, sex differences in the brain, human behavioral sex differences, and the interaction of culture and sexual behavior.
PSYC 2285: Experimental Psychology
3 credit hours, 3 class hours; Prerequisite: PSYC 1110 Corequisite: PSYC 2285L
Basic concepts and research methodology in the study of behavior; emphasis on experimental design, control, and methods in Experimental Psychology.
PSYC 2285L: Experimental Psychology Laboratory
1 credit hour, 2 lab hours; Prerequisite: PSYC 1110 Corequisite: PSYC 2285
Laboratory methods and experiments investigating behavior, cognitive processes and neuropsychology.
PSYC 2310: Drugs and Behavior
3 credit hours, 3 class hours; Prerequisite: PSYC 1110
The course provides a general introduction to the effects of alcohol. opiates, and other major classes of psychoactive drugs on the central nervous system, emphasizing the relationship between physiological, psychological, and behavioral effects of drugs.
PSYC 3001, Sensation and Perception
3 credit hours, 3 class hours; Prerequisite: PSYC 2285 passed with a C or better Corequisite: PSYC 3001L
An experimental and theoretical study of the special senses (vision, hearing, smell, taste and touch), including the structure, function and disorders of sensory and perceptual systems.
PSYC 3001L: Sensation and Perception Lab
1 credit hour, 2 lab hours; Prerequisite: PSYC 2285 Corequisite: PSYC 3001
Laboratory methods and experiments in Sensation and Perception.
PSYC 3005: Cognitive Psychology
3 credit hours, 3 class hours; Prerequisite: PSYC 2285 passed with a C- or better Corequisite: PSYC 3005L
A study of research findings, major issues and theories of mental processes. Topics include attention, learning, memory, imagery, concept formation, language and its development, thinking, problem solving and decision making.
PSYC 3005L: Cognitive Psychology Lab
1 credit hour, 2 lab hours; Prerequisite: PSYC 2285 passed with a C- or better Corequisite: PSYC 3005
Laboratory methods and experiments investigating cognitive processes.
PSYC 3009: Behavioral Neuroscience
3 credit hours, 3 class hours; Prerequisites: PSYC 2285 passed with a C- or better; BIOL 2110, Corequisite: PSYC 3009L and BIOL 2610
Study of the neural and other physiological bases of behavior. Functional neuroanatomy of sensory and motor systems, motivation and drives, learning and emotion.
PSYC 3009L: Behavioral Neuroscience Lab
1 credit hour, 2 lab hours; Prerequisites: PSYC 2285 passed with a C- or better; BIOL 2110 Corequisite: PSYC 3009, BIOL 2610
Laboratory includes neuroanatomy and neurophysiology, either in vivo and/or in computer simulations.
PSYC 3020: Psychology of Language
3 credit hour, 3 class hours
Language may be the most uniquely human behavior. This class explores the evolutionary origins of language in animal communication abilities; how the brain makes sense of language and plans speech; child development of language understanding and production; and social aspects of human behavior in conversation.
PSYC 3023: Psychology of Child and Adolescent Development
3 credit hours, 3 class hours; Prerequisite: PSYC 1110
The development of human behavior from conception to adolescence. Includes cognitive, social, behavioral, and physical development.
PSYC 3023L: Psychology of Child and Adolescent Development Lab
1 credit hour, 2 class hours; Corequisite: PSY 3023 and consent of instructor
This course is intended to help students understand, through firsthand observation, theories and ideas taught in Child and Adolescent Development. The class will focus on the biological, perceptual, cognitive, behavioral, linguistic and socio-emotional development of preschoolers at the NMT Children’s Center.
PSYC 3024: Psychology of Adult Development and Aging
3 credit hours, 3 class hours; Prerequisite: PSYC 1110
The development of human behavior from early adult-hood to old age. Cognitive, social, behavioral, emotion-al, and physical development. Life tasks, careers, phys-ical and emotional health, leisure, dying, and death.
PSYC 3030: Clinical Psychology
3 credit hours, 3 class hours; Prerequisite: PSYC 1110
A psychobiological investigation of the cause, presentation, diagnosis, treatment and prognosis of behavioral and mental health issues.
PSYC 3042: Music and the Brain
3 credit hours, 3 class hours; Prerequisite: PSYC 1110
This course examines widespread musical behavior through both scientific and artistic perspectives. We look to the neuroscience of music perception to help explain the psychological processes that support emotional responses, composition, performance, and all the potential cognitive benefits of engaging in music. Even people who think they are bad at making music have sophisticated skills as listeners. It is a universal birthright that humans can learn the melodic, rhythmic, and harmonic patterns of their own culture’s music.
PSYC 3062: Animal Behavior
3 credit hours, 3 class hours; Prerequisites: PSYC 1110 or consent of instructor and advisor
An overview of the study of animal behavior, focusing on presentation, adaptive advantage and mechanisms of specific behaviors.
PSYC 3062L: Animal Behavior Lab
1 credit hour, 2 lab hours; Prerequisites: PSYC 2285 passed with a C- or better Corequisite: PSY 3062L
Observation and quantification of animal behavior in natural habitat and the laboratory. Methods of investigating behavioral mechanisms. Requires off-campus activities.
PSYC 3091: Directed Study
Class and credit hours to be arranged; Prerequisite: Upper-division standing in psychology
Supervised individual work in psychology. May be repeated for more than one semester’s work.
PSYC 4000: History of Psychology
3 credit hours, 3 class hours; Prerequisite: 9 hours in psychology
This course traces central questions and concepts of psychology from their origins in classical philosophy and medicine to modern times. Interactions between historical developments and psychological research are emphasized.
PSYC 4005: Assessments and Measurement
3 credit hours, 3 class hours; Prerequisites/Co-requisites: PSYC 1110 or EDUC 3040, or permission of instructor Educational and psychological tests and measurement.
Educational and psychological tests and measurement. Evaluation and data-driven curriculum revision. Field observation assignments that take students to public school classrooms.
PSYC 4009: Cell and Molecular Neuroscience
3 credit hours, 3 class hours; Prerequisite: PSYC 1110 or BIOL 2110
A study of neurological systems from neurons and glia to differentiation and development,
neural circuits, and how neural systems perform selected tasks: sensing environment,
controlling physiology, directing movement.
PSY 4010: Neurology
3 credit hours, 3 class hours; Prerequisite: PSYC 1110 or BIOL 2110
An examination of the mechanisms and effects of neuropathology and the different approaches
to diagnosis and treatment of neurological diseases and disorders such as pain, epilepsy,
and Alzheimer’s disease.
PSYC 4014: Psychotherapeutics
A study of approaches to treatment of disorders of the nervous system, from the function and dysfunction of the nervous system, to in depth explanations of the development and application of pharmacological, gene and cell replacement approaches to treatment of disease.
PSY 4072: Senior Seminar
1 credit hour, 1 class hours each semester; Prerequisite: Upper-division standing or consent of instructor and advisor Review
Review and discussion of current research in psychology.
PSYC 5009: Cell and Molecular Neuroscience
A study of neurological systems from neurons and glia to differentiation and development,
neural circuits, and how neural systems perform selected tasks: sensing environment,
controlling physiology, directing movement.
PSYC 5010, Neurology
An examination of the mechanisms and effects of neuropathology and the different approaches
to diagnosis and treatment of neurological diseases and disorders such as pain, epilepsy,
and Alzheimer’s disease.
Degree Flowcharts
BA Flowchart Psych + Neuro BS Flowchart BS from Math 1230
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