Regents Minutes - September 2013

New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology

Board of Regents

1:30 p.m., Thursday, Sept. 26, 2013

Steve Torres Residential Center
New Mexico Tech
Socorro, New Mexico


The New Mexico Tech Board of Regents convened at 1:37 p.m., with Board of Regents President Richard Carpenter, Secretary-Treasurer Jerry Armijo, Regent Deborah Peacock, Debra Hicks and Israel Rodriguez-Rios. University administrators, staff, and guests who were also present included:

1. Proof of Meeting Notice:  The meeting was called to order at 1:37 p.m. by Regent Carpenter after President López confirmed that proper notice for the meeting had been given.

2. Approval of Agenda: Regent Armijo moved to approve the Agenda as presented. Regent Peacock seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.

3. Announcements:

Before beginning the announcements, Vice President Jaramillo introduced the Director for Residential Life, Mitch Tappen and his team Bill Lacava and Lynn Arthur who were instrumental in the planning, development and implementation of the new Torres Residential Hall.  Their hard work was recognized by all present.

5. Public Comment: None.

6. Degree Conferrals:  The President reported that degrees were conferred for July and August 2013.  The list was provided listing the graduate with their corresponding degree.

7. Financial Analysis for August 2012:  Mr. Lonnie Marquez reported that revenue was comparable to last year.  He added that expenditures are higher this time of year because the fiscal year has just begun but that will even out.  He noted that there is a negative balance in the geophysical research, i.e., Playas and IERA who continue with a carry forward deficit.  He stressed that this continues to be worked with the end result of the payback to be fulfilled.  Lastly, scholarships to balance out and it continues to be a work in progress.  Regent Peacock moved to approve the financial analysis and Regent Hicks seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.

8. Research and Public Service Projects Funding Request:  Dr. López presented the Board with its list of eleven projects by priority for FY 15.  He emphasized that this is the same list that was provided for FY 14 and there are no new projects.  Regent Armijo moved to approve the request; Regent Peacock seconded the motion and it was approved unanimously.

9. Property Items Resolution, Reference4 NMSA 1978, 13-6-1, Resolution 130926-01 &  130926-02:  Mr. Marquez presented the list of items valued under $5000.00 to be removed from tangible property.  Regent Rodriguez-Rios moved to approve Resolution 130926-01; Regent Hicks seconded the motion and it was approved unanimously.

Mr. Marquez presented the list of items valued over $5000.00 to be removed from tangible property.  Regent Peacock moved to approve Resolution 130926-02; Regent Rodriguez-Rios seconded and it was unanimously approved.

10.  Individual Board Member Comments:  Regent Rodriguez-Rios stated he spoke with the Student Government Association and brought forward the idea of increasing tuition in order to offer faculty a salary increase.  He stated the idea was met with interest in moving forward with it but there was yet issues to be work out; Regent Hicks stated she has been involved in the effort between Department of Education and Department of Higher Education in concert with Governor Martinez to work together in a committee setting to improve the quality of teachers in New Mexico.  Regent Peacock offered her thanks for the trip to the Magdalena Ridge Observatory.  Regent Armijo asked if anything was happening with the lottery scholarship.  Dr. López stated there have been some discussions, but nothing definitive.

11.  New Business:  Regent Peacock asked if the February 13, 2014 Board of Regents meeting could be changed because she has a conflict for that date.  It was agreed alternative dates would be provided to the Regents.

12.  Employee Benefit Trust:  The Board of Regents recessed the meeting at 3:35pm and convened the Employee Benefit Trust.  Vice President Marquez provided the report for August and stated that the Trust was still experiencing challenges.  He stated that open enrollment season was coming up and that we are likely to see increases in premiums as high as 18 percent.  He also shared a new concept which we are considering that could potentially improve employee health and reduce doctor and hospital visits.  The new concept revolves around monitoring employee health status and prescribing remedial health practices which could potentially improve employee health status.  Incentives for participating in the program would include a reward system centered on reduced premiums or some other way to reduce participant’s health benefits premiums.  Regents adjourned the Benefit Trust at 3:43 and reconvened as the Board of Regents.

13.  Executive Session, NMSA 1978, Sec 10-15-1 (H)(2) (To provide information on legal matters):  At 3:44 p.m. the Board on an unanimous roll call vote closed the open meeting and convened in executive session to consider only those items noted.

14.  Reconvene in Open Session and Take Final Action, if any, on Such Limited Personnel Matters Which Shall be Acted Upon in Open Session Following Conclusion of the Closed Session.  The Board reconvened in open session at 3:50 p.m.  Chairman Carpenter announced that only the matter stated in the Agenda was discussed, and no action was taken.

15.  Adjournment:  There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned at 3:51 p.m.




