Franklin Crowley

Major Subjects tutored Bio
Electrical Engineering
Circuits I, II; Digital Electronics (EE 2052); Mathematical Engineering (EE 2071); Calc I, II, III; Physics I, II; Gen Chem I, II

Hey there! I’m Franklin Crowley, currently a Junior in the Electrical Engineering department. I also am minoring in Secondary Education and Optical Science. Though I am new to OSL this year, I have done tutoring plenty through the years, most recently in the Digital Lab helping with Circuits. EE being my major, it is also what I find the most natural to tutor. However, to get anywhere in Electrical Engineering, you of course need a pretty in-depth understanding of math and physics. So I’m sure to be able to help with those things too.

If you are in need of a bit of support, do not hesitate to stop by and say hello. All this crazy stuff is pretty hard to figure out, even more so alone! I am looking forward to getting to meet you!