Michelle Walvoord, PhD
Research Hydrologist
United States Geological Survey’s Earth System Processes Division
Dr. Michelle Walvoord is a Research Hydrologist with the United States Geological Survey’s Earth System Processes Division in Denver, Colorado. She holds a B.A. in Geology from Hamilton College and M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Hydrology and Earth & Environmental Science, respectively, from New Mexico Tech.
Dr. Walvoord’s expertise in non-isothermal, multiphase subsurface flow and transport has led to a variety of hydrogeological studies at sites stretching from the desert southwestern United States to boreal Alaska. Among these, a common tie is toward understanding hydrologic response to climate change and disturbance at various temporal and spatial scales. Her research relies on a blend of field, statistical, and process-based modeling approaches and typically intersects with multiple disciplines including biogeochemistry, ecology, and geophysics.
Dr. Walvoord has authored over 50 peer-reviewed publications, including seminal papers spanning diverse topics that include long-term sequestration of nitrate in desert subsoils and the hydrologic and biogeochemical impacts of permafrost thaw. She currently serves as an Associate Editor for Water Resources Research and as a Board Member for the United States Permafrost Association. She is an adjunct faculty member at Colorado School of Mines, Université Laval, and University of Colorado, Boulder.