Torres Hall
Torres Hall is designated as the First Year's Experience Hall. Torres is interior-style and consists of 3 floors and
5 wings. The first floor has one wing, and the second and third floors have two wings
each. Each wing contains several bedrooms, two communal restrooms, a study lounge,
and a whiteboard wall
Each Fully-Furnished Bedroom Offers:
- Two residents
- An average size of around 16 feet by 12 feet
- Two twin-XL beds
- Two wardrobes
- Two desks with chairs
- Two dressers
- Two side tables
- Two ethernet ports
Torres Hall Offers:
- A DirectTV-broadcast television system on every floor
- A community kitchenette with a stovetop, a microwave, and a refrigerator
- A laundry room on the first floor
- Several community restrooms
- A housing capacity of 145 residents
- A small computer lounge with two gender neutral restrooms