Research and Groups at PRRC
Alkali Surfactant Polymers (ASP)
Lead Scientist: Dr. Guoyin Zhang
Formulates and develops alkali surfactant polymer (ASP) treatments for enhanced recovery of oil and evaluates existing ASP treatments.
Gas Flooding Processes and Flow Heterogeneities
Lead Scientist: Dr. Reid Grigg
Studies carbon storage in geologic formations, improving conformance control and sweep efficiency in CO2 flooding, injectivity changes associated with water alternating with gas injection (WAG) and improved modeling of CO2 foam-enhancing processes and WAG injection.
Industry Service & Outreach Group (ISOG)
Makes public data available in intuitive and user-friendly formats and works with other organizations to provide information about new or under-used technologies available to the independent oil and gas community.
Petrophysics and Surface Chemistry
Lead Scientist: Dr. Jill Buckley
Studies surface and interfacial properties of crude oils, wettability alteration and crude oil/brine/rock interactions, stability of asphaltenes, and the effects of surfactants used in core cleaning on wettability assessment.
Produced Water in Petroleum Engineering
Lead Scientist: Dr. Jianjia Yu
Pursues advanced methods of treating oilfield produced water through innovative membrane technology.
Reservoir Evaluation/Advanced Computational Technologies (REACT)
Lead Scientist: Dr. William Ampomah
Develops new technologies using computational intelligence, geostatistics and fuzzy logic to solve the unique problems encountered in reservoir characterization and numerical simulation of oil and gas reservoirs using data of all scales.
Reservoir Sweep Improvement
Lead Scientist: Dr. Randall Seright
Performs research and development to improve reservoir sweep efficiency and reduce saltwater production during oil and gas recovery operations.